Did you know that only 3-7% of foster youth will graduate college with a Bachelor's degree? Ironically, more than 70% of foster youth express a desire to go to college.

Greater Than Expectations understands foster care students often face unique challenges as they navigate their academic journeys, and more so as they transition from high school to adulthood. Many lack the support and resources that other students take for granted, making it difficult to succeed in college and beyond. GTE is excited to launch our newest program Freshman Fresh. GTE will partner with UNT-Denton's P.U.S.H Program to support deserving foster youth entering their first year of college at UNT-Dallas. The Freshman Fresh season starts with a Freshman Fresh Dorm Room renovation project focused on providing aesthetically pleasing, learning-centered, and downright fun dorm spaces for scholars. Throughout the entire first year, scholars can participate in programming designed to help transitioning scholars prepare for what's beyond their high school years. Freshman Fresh with GTE will host webinars focusing on navigating social interactions at college, self-advocacy at school, financial literacy, the importance of mental and physical health, and more. Similarly, quarterly outings will be planned to provide these deserving scholars with opportunities for fun and networking.

This is where you come in! We are excited to offer the chance for GTE supporters to purchase kits of varying levels that directly support scholars in their next chapter. Each kit is to the specific needs of students, including hygiene basics, technology basics, full Freshman Fresh Dorm Renovations, and more. By purchasing a kit or donating, you'll provide essential resources to foster care students to help them feel supported and empowered to succeed. This is a unique opportunity to support GTE in a way that allows you to be in control of and see exactly how your dollars support our mission.

How can you support?

  • Volunteer Your Time. Learn more here.

  • Are you READY TO GET A STUDENT FRESHMAN FRESH? Sponsor a student with a sponsorship kit today!

Purchase Sponsorship Kits here!

Select your kit below

Donate: Iā€™m Just Happy To Be Here!

KIT #10: Donation of your choice.